
Murach’s C++ Programming Review: An Excellent way to learn the nuances of C++

C++ is one of the oldest programming languages. Murach has been constantly updating the contents of the Murach’s C++ Programming book according to the latest changes. The Murach’s C++ Programming authored by Mary Delamater and Joel Murach has been divided into 19 chapters spread across four sections.

The first chapter provides a basic introduction to the C++ programming language in detail. While the second chapter examines the steps required to write the first program, the next chapter discusses the management of the decisions. The remaining chapters delve deep into loops, I/O streams, files, data types, strings, vectors, and functions. You will learn the steps required to test, debug and deploy a program in Chapter 8.

The chapters in section 2 examine the usage of structures, enumerations, STL containers, iterators, STL algorithms, arrays, C strings including exceptions. You will learn the steps required to define classes in Chapter 14. The Inheritance is one of the main concepts in C++ and Chapter 15 examines this concept clearly. The advanced concepts related to Object-Oriented Programming are covered in Chapter 16.

The remaining chapters examine the usage of memory, pointers, templates, custom containers, iterators, and algorithms. The book also includes two appendixes, which outlines the requirements for the configuration of Windows and macOS to work with the code samples.

The author has followed a uniform layout for the presentation of the content. The book includes the relevant description in bulleted format after the source code. The big advantage of Murach’s C++ Programming book is the uniformity.

You can download two sample chapters from the official website of Murach Publishing. Moreover, the publisher provides source code and solutions to the questions provides inside the book. If you work as an Instructor, you will receive access to a special secured area from where you can download additional courseware and training materials.

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