Wolfram has introduced Tweet-a-Program which enables you to tweet the source code and get back the output directly as a tweet on the cloud.
In order to work with Tweet-a-Program, you need to compose a Wolfram language code within the official twitter limit of 140 characters and tweet it to @WolframTaP.
Wolfram has implemented a twitter bot that automatically runs on the cloud. The output will be returned to you as a tweet. You can retweet the output to your followers withion seconds of posting the source code.
Follow the steps given below in order to try Tweet-a-Program
(1) Compose a tweet as shown below
@WolframTaP GeoGraphics[Text[Style["Hello!",200]], GeoRange->"World"]
(2) Check out @WolframTaP. You will be able to view the output of the above code as a tweet as shown below
As you can see from the above output, font appears bigger since I have mentioned the size as 200. If you reduce the font size, the text will fit the screen.
The value of GeoRange property has been set to World. That’s why you can see a layout of the world on the background.
Wolfram recommends you to make use of #wolflang hash tag if you retweet the tweet posted by the automated robot. Stephen Wolfram has published a detailed post with various coding options. You can try them if you are interested.
Learnxpress suggest you to make use of various permutations and combinations so that you can learn the extreme possibilities of not only Wolfram programming language but also Tweet-a-Program.
Learnxpress will try to publish an interview with Stephen Wolfram. Stay tuned and follow us on twitter for daily updates.