Application Insights SDK 0.11.0 Adds Telemetry API, JavaScript Error Collection and Improvements

Application Insights SDK 0.11.0 includes a new simpler Telemetry API, automatic JavaScript error collection and enhancement to trace telemetry collection. The latest release also includes a number of bugs fixes and additional improvements.

The recent release includes a simplified API which has been modified to help simplify the coding experience and help new customers get up to speed quicker. The API has been updated so that a single class make use of the root namespace, Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.TelemetryClient.

Application Insights SDK

The TelemetryClient object exposes a set of Track methods that represents all of the core telemetry item types Application Insights understands. As soon as you instantiate a new TelemetryClient object, you should be able to send most telemetry through single method calls.

Joshua Weber, Microsoft has examines the concept of TelemetryClient with the help of source code in the official blog post.

The JavaScript SDK included with the latest build of Application Insights SDK provides an ability to automatically collect all unhandled JavaScript exceptions. If you make use of a modern browser, the call stack will also be collected.

Application Insights SDK Diagnostic Search

The latest release of Application Insights SDK includes an enhanced trace collection to match the schema and processing of the other telemetry types. It ensures that all types are consistently handled in the UI to enable a common experience across all your telemetry data.

Microsoft has issued an advisory to update to version 0.11 with the help of NuGet package management in order to continue to view your trace telemetry.

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