No doubt, pictures are useful learning aids. They are much better than heavy conventional text books. What about going through a set of pictures to learn Word, HTML and PHP?
In Pictures provide learning materials based on pictures. You will not find lengthy explanations and code samples. However, hints are provides above each of the pictures so that you can recognize the material displayed on the picture.
I noticed that the creator of the site has examined each of the topics in a clear manner with monochrome screenshots. The only disadvantage is that users require a computer to access the site. Nowadays, many people are having access to computers and I don’t think this will be a big problem.
As of the time of this writing, provides content related to the following topics.
Microsoft Office
Access 2003, Access 2007, Excel 2003, Excel 200, PowerPoint 2003, PowerPoint 2007, Publisher 2003, Publisher 2007, Word 2003, Word 2007
Base. Calc. Impress, Writer
Web layout
Web programming
MySQL Basics, PHP Basics, Perl Basics
In Pictures will be extremely useful for school kids who wish to learn the basics of computers quickly. The site will also be useful for people with disabilities and physically challenged people.
I hope the site provides tutorials for more topics in the upcoming future.