HTML 5: Up and Running

If you don’t know about the new features available in HTML 5, now’s the time to find out. The latest version of this markup language is going to significantly change the way you develop web applications, and HTML 5: Up & Running (O’Reilly Media, $29.99 USD) provides your first real look at HTML 5’s new elements and attributes.

Even though work on HTML5 is ongoing, browsers such as Safari, Mozilla, Opera, and Chrome already support many of its features-and browsers for smart phones are even farther ahead, especially iPhone’s MobileSafari browser.

Mark Pilgrim, author and accessibility architect, has been following the development of HTML 5 long before it was called HTML 5. “In the mid-90’s, browser vendors were competing with each other to see who could lock people into their platform,” says Pilgrim. “Now, browser vendors implementing the HTML 5 standard are competing on things like speed and user-friendliness. This book will help programmers develop next-generation web applications.”

Mark Pilgrim adds, “I have a strong interest in open standards, and this is my contribution towards ensuring that the web remain open and available to all I have a strong interest in open standards, and this is my contribution towards ensuring that the web remain open and available to all.”

With HTML 5: Up & Running, you’ll learn how HTML 5 can help you develop applications that:

. Display video directly in the browser, without having to rely on plugins
. Work even when a user is offline, by taking advantage of HTML 5’s persistent storage
. Offer a drawing canvas for dynamically generated 2-D graphics

HTML 5: Up and Running is the most complete and authoritative book you’ll find on the subject. Stay ahead of the curve.

HTML 5: Up and Running
Mark Pilgrim
ISBN: 978-0-596-80602-6
224 pages
Book Price: $29.99 USD
Ebook Price: $23.99 USD

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