Devices and Printers is a separate page which can be opened by selecting Start | Devices and Printers. You will be able to manage your printers and scanners you have installed in your PC. It is also possible to install a new device but it may not be required since all the latest devices can be installed in a plug and play mode.
Sometimes, you might have installed multiple devices but the Devices and Printers page will not list the devices upon opening it. This means that Devices and Printers Page is Not Loading in Windows 7. The problem is not with your devices but your computer is not able to properly communicate between your devices.
You can easily fix the problem by restarting the Print Spoller from the Services page as mentioned in the steps given below
(1) Click Start
(2) Enter Services on the Search box located on the bottom
(3) You will view Component Services page
(4) Click Services (Local)
(5) Scroll down and locate Print Spooler service
(6) Right click on Print Spooler and select Restart from the Popup menu.
Reload Devices and Printers page and you should now be able to view a list of all devices.