
Working with comments in Python

Comments are an extremely useful feature in most programming languages. Everything you’ve written in your programs so far is Python code. As your programs become longer and more complicated, you should add notes within your programs that describe your overall approach to the problem you’re solving. A comment allows you to write notes in English within your programs.

How Do You Write Comments?

In Python, the hash mark (#) indicates a comment. Anything following a hash mark in your code is ignored by the Python interpreter. For example:

# Say hello to everyone.
print("Hello Python people!")

Python ignores the first line and executes the second line.

Hello Python people!

What Kind of Comments Should You Write?

The main reason to write comments is to explain what your code is supposed to do and how you are making it work. When you’re in the middle of working on a project, you understand how all of the pieces fit together. But when you return to a project after some time away, you’ll likely have forgotten some of the details. You can always study your code for a while and figure out how segments were supposed to work, but writing good comments can save you time by summarizing your overall approach in clear English.

If you want to become a professional programmer or collaborate with other programmers, you should write meaningful comments. Today, most software is written collaboratively, whether by a group of employees at one company or a group of people working together on an open source project. Skilled programmers expect to see comments in code, so it’s best to start adding descriptive comments to your programs now. Writing clear, concise comments in your code is one of the most beneficial habits you can form as a new programmer.

When you’re determining whether to write a comment, ask yourself if you had to consider several approaches before coming up with a reasonable way to make something work; if so, write a comment about your solution.

It’s much easier to delete extra comments later on than it is to go back and write comments for a sparsely commented program. From now on, I’ll use comments in examples throughout this book to help explain sections
of code.

This article is an excerpt from A Hands-On, Project-Based Introduction to Programming by Eric Matthes

Reproduced with permission from No Starch Press

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