
The Emergence of Windows 10

Time Flies and you can’t stop it. I still remember those days when I worked with Windows 3.1, where I used to provide commands to create and rename folders.

Windows 3.1

However, with the passage of time, Microsoft began to think of improving the user interface. Windows 98 was born which completely changed the way in which users interact with the PC using keyboard shortcuts and mouse. Windows 98 was not a stable operating system since it would crash reputedly while working or playing games. This may be because of low powered Pentium processors and memory sizes.

Windows 98

Windows Millenium was launched in 2000 was not a big success due to various factors. Microsoft engineers after a gap released Windows XP which provided to be one of most successful operating system. Users liked its functionality and the speed with which it can work even in a PC with 512 MB memory. Moreover, many manufactures began to ship laptops with Windows XP.

Windows Millenium

Come 2005, users wanted change and Windows Vista was announced. However, it doesn’t met the expectations and as a result Windows 7 was born after few years. It provided to be one of the refined and stable operating system due to its simplicity in usage. Even kids began to work with Windows 7 without any formal learning. They just need to boot and stay on for some time. Rest was magic. People sill use Windows 7 but many applications such as Internet Explorer became out of date.

Windows 7

Windows 8 was launched in 2011 with a brand new user interface with live tiles. Moreover, Windows 8 was the first operating system which support touch based displays. Subsequently, Windows 8.1 was released with updates and improvements.

Microsoft began to think of the need for a ultra modern user interface and Windows 10 was announced in 2014. The releases were made available to all users and tech lovers via Windows Insider Program. The final refined version of Windows 10 was released in July 29 worldwide.

HP and Lenovo has already released laptops with Windows 10. I hope laptop manufacturers will soon release a series of new laptops loaded with Windows 10. I would suggest you to wait till Diwali if you are planning to buy a new laptop.

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