Upgrade to Windows 7 Ultimate easily with Windows Anytime Upgrade

Nowadays, laptops ships with either Windows 7 Basic Edition or Premium. Developers doesn’t link any of these editions and they prefer to install Windows 7 Ultimate which contains whole lot of features and enhancements.

With Windows 7, Microsoft has simplified the upgrade process by introducing Windows Anytime Upgrade. In order to start the process, you should insert the Windows 7 Ultimate DVD and enter Windows Anytime Upgrade in the Search programs and files box on the start menu. It will take only 10 to 15 minutes for the entire process to get completed.

During the whole procedure, Windows will restart several times. I found Windows Anytime Upgrade very easy to use and manage. Please note that Windows Anytime Upgrade will appear only in Windows 7 Basic and Premium editions.

There is no need to create a separate partition and install Windows 7 Ultimate completely. Windows Anytime Upgrade will save your time and bring productivity into your day to day computing tasks.

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