
Understanding the Pros and Cons of Technology in Education

Technology can be compared to a double-edged sword. It can be leveraged to educate, liberate and illuminate people, but if not used well, it can distract and veer students from their goals and aims. A classroom introducing technology to students has many pros and cons. Experts believe that technology enables teachers to personalise, adopt and experiment in pedagogy, while at the same time they also believe it adds to the increased screen time of students. In this article, let us look at a few pros and cons of technology in education.


Immediate access to the Information

In a technologically driven classroom, instead of relying on obsolete textbooks, there is a collaborative learning environment where students work together and share information and access the most relevant and efficient information.

Effective Collaboration

Learning concepts such as charge transfer in physics can get tricky, now students can effectively set up virtual meetings with fellow classmates and teachers and resolve all the doubts related to the concept.

Makes Students Independent Learners

Now, instead of waiting to be spoon-fed with information, students leverage digital tools to get the academic queries resolved and learn on their own.

Interactive Learning

From videos to virtual trips, technology allows teachers to access unlimited free digital tools and resources that help them make the subject more relevant to the students and engage them better for long- term learning.


Lack of Human Connection

There are many who feel that technology can make classrooms devoid of human connection. A classroom can turn into an antisocial place with limited interaction between the peers as each student will be busy working in their own devices.

Technology can be a distraction

The online world is filled with ads, games and other forms of distraction that can veer students from the task at hand.

Screen Time

Many parents and teachers fear to introduce technology in the classroom because of the screen time. This screen time is not only detrimental to the eyesight but also leads to mental exhaustion.


With the correct use of technology with adequate supervision, students can learn better. The use of technology in classrooms not only benefit students but also streamlines various tasks for teachers. Schools need to work towards setting rules and guidelines to ensure that students do not abuse digital media in the classroom.

To know how technology can make learning more efficient, subscribe to BYJU’S YouTube channel and learn different science concepts such as kinetic friction more effectively from the engaging video lessons.

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