ODataLib 6.9.0 has been released with new features, improvements and bug fixes. With the help of ODataUriParser included with the recent release, it now possible to parse the complex value, entity, entity reference and a collection of them as function parameter alias.
Moreover, ODataLib 6.9.0 also provides support for function taking complex values, entity, entity reference and collection of them as parameter.
The latest release provides support for custom payload format in addition to support for resolving custom media types for request and response messages.
ODataLib 6.9.0 also includes support for reading and writing feed, entry, property, collection, parameter and error in custom payload format
ODataLib 6.9.0 fixes a bug when model validation fails when complex type is marked as abstract in Edm model. It also fixes a bug when ODataQueryOptionParser doesn’t work on case insensitive query option if OData Uri resolver enables case insensitive.
The latest release of ODataLib provides a fix for a bug when the client does not annotate the derived complex value in a collection with odata.type annotation.