Jelastic, Inc., an expert in cloud orchestration that provides the advanced DevOps platform, today announced a new partnership with Click&Cloud, the French hosting provider well recognized under Owentis brand. Owentis has 20 years of experience at the French IT market, and is well known for its expertise in Cloud Computing.
Owentis is pleased to provide a new Cloud service, Jelastic PaaS solution, to our existing clients as well as to the French market. Jelastic is the best partner for us, as it provides a production-ready solution, that introduces the real use of containers to our customers. Our platform enables high availability, supports Docker container technology and offers highly flexible pricing. From our side we are ready to provide the advanced hosting expertise, high performance, wide variety of cloud services and experienced technical support, – all these factors will help us to satisfy our clients` requirements and make our partnership with Jelastic successful.
Jelastic helps DevOps teams to create, test and publish their projects with advanced and user-friendly cloud platform. With Jelastic, developers get full range of benefits from Docker containers, such as smart distribution of containers, automatic vertical and horizontal scaling, full isolation and security as well as high availability. Developers can easily host and manage different types of applications or services within the platform getting advanced level of automation.
“We are happy to welcome Click&Cloud as a new member of Jelastic Cloud Union. French market shows high interest in the latest IT trends like DevOps, Docker, Cloud PaaS, so this offering will be just in time. Click&Cloud provides their customers the latest Jelastic version with all benefits of advanced Docker containers and automation of project management within our Cloud PaaS. I’m convinced that this hosting service provider will fully satisfy the needs of the developers, providing high availability of their projects and a top-level local support.” said Ruslan Synytsky, Jelastic CEO.