
61% of small businesses still use old versions of Internet Explorer despite 8, 9 and 10’s retirement, says Manta

Nearly 61% of small business owners still make use of Internet Explorer 8, 9 and 10 versions, an independent research study conducted by Manta reveals.

Posing a severe security risk, the study confirmed that small businesses are not upgrading the browsers. While 37% of small business establishments use Chrome browser, 34% of users still use Internet Explorer.

According to analysts, malicious security attacks are waiting on the queue to invade small businesses if they fail to update to the latest browser.

Nearly 16% of small business community make use of Safari and Firefox occupied only 9% of the 300000 small business owners. The data are captured from the visitors who navigated the website of Manta in December using precise browser detection algorithm. Moreover, users who have registered their small business in Manta’s online community are also taken into account.

Microsoft has recently ended support for the older versions of Internet Explorer browser, which include versions 8, 9 and 10. You should either upgrade to Internet Explorer 11 or the latest Microsoft Edge. You can also use latest versions of Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

We have reached out to Manta to know more information about the study and the long term implications of the issues arising out of using out-dated browser.

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