The first and foremost activity which you should perform in your home is organization. If your living room is full of newspapers, books, smartphones, tablets and other items then it will look bad not only to you but also to your friends. Hence, it is imperative that you should keep all essential items neatly in a position with which you make use of them when required. Imagine, you have kept an important document somewhere in your home and are unable to trace them when needed.
You should organize magazines using special racks/holders specially designed for this purpose. They are available in several offline and online stores. These cardboard racks will help you to keep all printed materials including files and folders very effectively. You can store all your files and magazines in one place instead of spreading all over the home.
In case of newspapers, you can store in holders daily but you should take the previous day newspaper and put them inside eco-friendly bags. You can keep them in the balcony of your home. After the end of the month, you can sell them to your local vessel shop in return for money.
You can cover printers, scanners and laptops every night using newspapers. If you cover with cloths, you need to wash once in a week. Hence, I prefer newspapers which can be replaced by throwing the old one.
You should clean Landline telephones every day using cotton cloths. This will prevent dust from entering inside the phone. You can also cover them with cotton or Microfiber cloth in case if you are not using the phone frequently.
Nowadays, households have LED Television, which is prone to dust over the period of time. The display panel should be cleaned once in every week. This will prevent dust accumulation.
In order to dust walls and ceilings, you can make use of light weight extendable Microfiber dusters, which can be washed and reused several times. However, vacuum cleaners are a good option for Indian conditions but they are bit heavy to handle. Moreover, extendable dusters are not easily available in India and should be exported from United States.
You can easily clean ceiling fans with the help of special Microfiber dusters available for the purpose of fan cleaning. However, they are not easily available in India. These dusters will lock all dust located on the top and bottom of blades and clean them effectively. You need not have to climb any stairs.
If you notice that the cool air from the ceiling fan has decreased then you should clean it. Regular cleaning provides fresh air to the whole room. If you don’t have dusters, you can make use of ladders as seen on TV. You can also ask your local electrician or security personnel to clean the fans once in every month.
You should never clean the fans by standing on the chairs and stools since you will fall if the balance is not proper.
You can purchase storage drawers or space savers from your nearest super market or online portals such as ebay to keep all your smartphones, MP3 players, chargers, headphones, pen drives and other accessories. This will not only prevent dust formation but also helps you to keep all items in one location. You should be able to easily recover an item at a later point of time without any need to search all over the house.
The core point to note is that you should only keep essential items on your desk. The remaining items can be stored in shelves, racks, holders and drawers. You should also note that magazine racks will also accumulate dust if not used daily. Hence, you should clean it once in every month.
I assume that you will have plenty of pens on the desk. You can keep all of them in one place using Pen holders. If you are unable to buy holders, you can keep all stationaries on mugs. You can keep one mug near your laptop and another mug on your reading table.
Rewardme has plenty of useful articles in all major areas which enable you to maintain healthy environment on your home. You will be able to learn and know several ideas with the help of lucid articles posted by reputed writers. You should make sure not only to keep home dust free but also in an eco-friendly way.
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