Articles Showcase your creativity and earn money

Life is all about happiness. If you make others happy with the help of your creative skills, then the world will fill with happiness. You can make others happy with the help of social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and others. What about spreading happiness by drawing Sketches? It is possible to invoke happiness with the help of, where you can view the sketches drawn by artists all over India. If your mind is creative, then you can earn by contributing Sketches to the portal. In this article, we will examine the working of the including the steps required to earn money by submitting your creations. Usage

If you navigate to, you will view a homepage populated with sketches under a wide range of categories. You will view the actual sketch followed by the title and name of the creator.

Happyzozo sketch image

The right side displays a list of all the popular categories such as Good Morning Images, Good Night Images, Love Images, Happy Birthday Images, Sad Images, Sorry Images, Romantic Images, and others. If you select a category, the corresponding sketches will be displayed.

Happyzozo category

You will view top contributors who have submitted original and creative sketches below the category list. The total number of sketches they have submitted will also be visible.

Happyzozo top contributors

As of this writing, there are over 101 sketches on However, the owner is working hard to catch the attention of the intuitive portal among people in foreign countries as well.

Earning Money With

With Happyzozo, you can earn from Rs 1000 up to Rs 10000 per month by submitting your original sketches. You should select either “Click Here To Start Now” button or “Submit Sketch” button located on the top right side navigation panel.

Happyzozo submit sketch

The first step is to create an account by providing the required information. You have to watch a short video, which examines the steps required to create and upload the sketches. You should watch the video if you are a first time user so that your drawing will be approved without any delay.

After providing the required information, you will have to click on the verification link delivered to your email. Your account will be activated and you can now navigate to the dashboard by providing the credentials. You will view the dashboard as shown below as soon as you login.

Happyzozo dashboard

To add a Happiness Is sketch, you should click “Add Image” option from the left side navigation panel. You will have to select the language, category from the drop-down box and then select “Add Photo” button.

Happyzozo add photo image

You will have to pick the sketch from your hard drive. It is possible to select multiple sketches as well. You will have to follow the instructions displayed on the screen.

Your Me Without You Images submission will be in the pending queue until approved by the Happyzozo team. If the submission is Rejected, then you will have to resubmit after making the required changes. The Earnings option helps you to view the amount you have accrued for the approved sketches. You will be paid upon reaching the prescribed limit directly to your bank account.

You can promote your creations using the unique URL generated by the system. You can fetch the URL by selecting Promote Us option from the left side navigation panel.


If you are creative and would like to showcase your talent to the outside world, then you should test drive Happyzozo. The portal enables you to upload your sketches and earn money out of the images. Moreover, you can publicly showcase your drawings in the form of a portfolio using the unique link. The more sketches you create and upload, the more money you will earn. The portal offers an intuitive dashboard where you can manage your creations. By uploading a sketch, you are making other people happy. The portal offers a wide range of categories under which you can file your drawings. we would highly recommend Happyzozo if you would like to showcase your creativity and potential to the outside in the quest to spread happiness.

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