LearnXpress Exclusive – Flat 50% Discount for Entity Framework Tutorial by Joydip Kanjilal
Entity Framework Tutorial is a latest book authored by Joydip Kanjilal. The book has been published by Packt Publishing based in UK. The book includes 9 chapters which enable developers to refresh the knowledge of Entity Framework. We recently published a review of Entity Framework tutorial book.
Entity Framework Tutorial book will be suitable for beginners, intermediate and advanced developers and is available in both ebook and print formats. Ebook is cheaper than print and also can be copies to your tablet and kindle devices.
Packt Publishing has been kind enough to offer a flat 50% discount for readers of Learnxpress valid till October 31.
It’s festive time here in India with Navratri and Diwali around the corner. Hence, I will provide the link to purchase the book for ALL readers who post a comment below.
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