
Decline in Programming Jobs Expected, Says US Bureau of Labor Statistics Report

As per the report released by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), IT jobs is expected to grow 12% in 2016. However, there will be a decline for programming jobs. This is due to few jobs tha has been outsourced to lower wage countires like China, Phillipines and India.

As per the biennial update of its Occupational Outlook Handbook released last Friday, computer programming jobs isexpected to decrease by 8%. However, software developers jobs will increase by 17%. This is because developers areengaged with the core business, analysing needs and requirements in addition to collaboration with multiple parties.

Programming Jobs

US is expecting around t lakh nw jobs in the IT sector over the next 10 years. However, there will be no growth in electricalengineering jobs.

Experts have reported that there will be a recession in 2016 and it will likely affect Asian countries to a large extent. However, this is just a rumor and we have to wait and watch the situation as it emerges. We can expect good days for the IT sector in the days to come.

Image Source – Google Images

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