Cricket World Cup – A Comparative Study

Cricket World Cup over the last three decades changed in every aspect. The publicity it carries today was very much less in those times. The performances of the players were judged in those days (before two decades) by their output in consecutive matches either in one day or test matches.

The batsman has to show some positive output in all matches he participates. They have to work hard in net before the actual matches. They were to be disciplined players in the field and off field.


The fielding techniques and bowling methods add on to the perfect ability of the match. What was missing at that time is the show piece by the players with colourful dresses, lucrative hotel stay, large banners, expensive sunglasses and others.

Present day conditions vary a lot both in field and outfield. Players are lured away by presenting themselves in media advertisements for a large amount of money. Their attention and concentration in a match are very poor except occasionally they shine either out of sheer luck or opposite team’s weakness.

Wrong fielding trials cause injuries to the key players and they get removed from the promising matches. Defined matches are the history. More than anything, each match played carry a tag whether it is actual match or fixed one.

Large money is put on telecasting and panel discussions which yield only an entertainment rather than match spirit. So in the case of performance, present day matches lack concentration, aim and definition when compared to yester year matches.

In order to improve the quality of Cricket World Cup and increase productivity, players should be banned from advertisements and media appearances/interviews. Moreover, players should be exposed to media only during post-match presentation and press conferences.

No doubt, the above mentioned steps will definitely yield better results in the upcoming editions of Cricket World Cup.

This blog is part of Blogger Dream Team.

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