Nowadays, you will find various kinds of instant foods on the market. These foods enable you to prepare tasty foods within few seconds. While some products provide an ability to prepare foods without any additional ingredients, others require items like rice. You will have to mix the product you purchased with rice to consume the food.
The companies who prepare instant foods display the list of ingredients used to prepare them on the cover. However, many companies often hide them. The recent incident of Maggie is the result of this bad policy.
Mothers would often find it very easy to prepare noodles for their kids but there are adverse effects which the kids need to face at some point of time. These include neurological problems, stomach related ailments, weak bones and much more.
This is where the importance of balanced diet comes into picture. Instead of instant noodles, mothers can prepare tasty idly, dosa and idiappam (famous in Kerala). There are instant idiappam products available on the market which are somewhat safe than other products such as Maggie. Moreover, mothers can also prepare idiappam manually by preparing the dough and putting it inside the special maker, which is available from the market for less than Rs 300.
The main benefit of idli is that it contains proteins which are healthy for the human body. It can be taken with chutney and vegetable sambar. Doctors recommend Idli for breakfast since it form part of balanced diet. As you may know vegetables are healthy for the human body. You can prepare sambar with Carrots, Ladies finger and Cucumber, which contain plenty of natural vitamins and minerals. A healthy breakfast will provide you much needed energy to work effectively.
Dosa is an alternative dish but it contains little oil, which is necessary for the human body. Oat meal is another healthy breakfast item. You need to buy oats from the super market and boil it with either water or milk. You can also mix it with raisins and dates, which supply great amount of vitamins and calcium.
Instant foods contain dangerous preservatives such as Monosodium glutamate (MSG) which can cause serious illness. These are used to enhance taste and colour. If you had attended marriage receptions, you should have seen colourful dishes on the buffet table.
Hence, I would suggest you to migrate to healthy diet prepared in your home itself. If you can’t prepare Idli or Dosa due to lack of time, you can buy Rava and make Uppuma using it. It doesn’t require much time for preparation and the dish is very healthy and not harmful.
Fruits also form part of balanced diet. You can consume mangoes and bananas for breakfast. However, you should take extreme care while buying mangoes since they are sometimes artificially coloured with chemicals. I once purchased Carrots from a leading super market and I faced severe health problem. Hence, I would suggest you to buy mangoes from the local street vegetable vendor rather than going to big super markets. From my experience, local vendors always sell fresh fruits and vegetables.
Organic vegetables are good option but you should purchase them only from certified vendors. Moreover, they are costly than normal vegetables. Sometimes, ordinary vegetables are labelled as organic.
The products manufactured by Dabur are an excellent and nutritious. Dabur Honey is a great supplement for your kids. You should give them from the childhood days so that their bones will be healthy when they grow up. You can of course consume food from hotels once in a week.
Your health depends upon what you eat. If you skip breakfast then acid will form inside your tummy which will be painful. You should take food once in every 4-5 hours to maintain a balanced life. Icecreams, Pizzas and sweets such as ladoos, Badushah doesn’t contain any vitamin or minerals. These items contain sugar which is the primary cause for Diabetes. You can consume them once in a while but not daily.
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