
Android and iOS UI Testing with Calabash

Testing is an essential part of any mobile app development process. Whether you are automating such tests or not, no sane developer considers their work to be done unless they have tested their app.

A well-tested app usually goes through multiple steps of testing: Unit testing, integration testing, acceptance testing, and so on. As your app grows, the importance of testing increases and automation in testing becomes a necessity.

While other platforms, such as the web, have advanced significantly in terms of testing mechanisms and frameworks, the mobile realm is not lagging behind. In this article, you will learn how you can use Calabash to automate the UI for your Android and iOS apps using plain English instructions and make acceptance testing them as painless as possible.

What Is UI Testing All About?

If you have been testing your apps manually, you are probably wasting a big chunk of your time performing the same tasks over and over again. You make some changes to the code, build the app, run it in a device or an emulator, and fiddle with the app to figure out if it works as expected.

By automating UI testing, you can perform those same manual steps automatically. If your app is of a decent size, this can save a lot of your time and also save your app from being riddled with embarrassing bugs, especially the regression ones.

“That sounds awesome,” you say, but how do you do it for your Android or iOS app?

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